Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Game On!!!!!!!

Hey girls!
Time for a little jump start for this sleepy but fabulous blog.
Let's revitalize it and use it!
Who doesn't want to try something new at the dinner table?

Game On!
It's a competition!

Here's how to play......

1. email Julie at juliedelamarter@yahoo.com She will add you to the blog and then POST RECIPES.

Here's how you win.....

1. For every recipe you post in January and February you will receive 1 point.
2. Whenever someone TRIES your recipe AND leaves you a comment telling they did so - you get 2 more points.

Here are the rules.......

1. The recipe must be something your family enjoys (at least most of your family :). So it has to be a recipe you've tried - not something you saw in a magazine that just LOOKS good :)

2. Please leave comments when you try something! What blogger doesn't love comments? As always, be kind......even if your family didn't love the meal I know you'll figure out a nice way to at least say you tried it.

Here's what you'll win.......

At the end of February we'll add up the points. The winner will receive a $20 gift card of their choice!

So come on!
Post those recipes!
Try something new!
And you can win!!!!!!


Eryn said...

Yahoo!! LOVE it! Are you going to share this for a Mom's Minute at MOM's? You should.

Amber said...

I am glad we are having a competetion. I forgot what the name of the blog was and haven't been on here forever.

Dee said...

Game on, Baby! And I have been a faithful user of the blog on a continuing basis. I think that should up my points at least 25 or more.